10 Steps To Quicker Tech Support

Sometimes the pleasure of owning a computer is overshadowed by the need to ask for assistance with a computer issue. Calling for technical support does not have to be an unpleasant experience. Preparing yourself before you make that call, and knowing what to expect...
Tips AC Hemat Listrik

Tips AC Hemat Listrik

1.Atur suhu AC yang diinginkan 5 derajat C lebih rendah dari suhu luar. Nah, ini poin terpenting yang perlu diperhatikan, karena biasanya karena nggak kuat dengan cuaca di luar rumah, kita sering set suhu AC jauh di bawah suhu di luar supaya sejuk, padahal mengatur...
The Basics Of ERP Implementation

The Basics Of ERP Implementation

The need for Enterprise Resources Planning was felt because of the growth of business houses which used to operate within a limited area and with a comparatively lesser capital .These business houses were being managed by owners directly and every decision used to be...


Short for Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS), PCI DSS is a standard that all organizations, including online retailers, must follow when storing, processing and transmitting their customer’s credit card data. The Data Security Standard...

Saya Bersedia Apapun yang Bapak Inginkan

Seorang mahasiswi seksi yang terancam gagal ujian mendatangi kantor dosennya yang masih muda. Dia melirik ke sekelilingnya sebentar, menutup pintunya, dan langsung berlutut di hadapan sang dosen sambil memohon. “Pak dosen, saya bersedia melakukan apapun juga agar...