Radang Usus Buntu

Oleh Pouw Tjoen Tik Salah satu pemeo dalam dunia kedokteran mengatakan: ”lebih baik seribu kali memotong usus buntu yang sehat dari pada sekali saja tidak membedah radang akut usus buntu”. Hal ini bukan dimaksudkan untuk meremehkan operasi usus buntu....

Good laugh for Women

One day my housework challenged husband decided to wash his Sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, “What setting do I use on the washing machine? “It depends,” I replied. “What does it say on your...


An elderly lady was stopped to pull into a parking space when a young man in his new Mercedes went around her and parked in the space she was waiting for. She was so upset that she went up to the man and said, “I was going to park there!” The man, being a...

A Cat’s Dictionary

Aquarium: interactive television for cats. Cataclysm: any great upheaval in a cat’s life. Catatonic: a feline medicinal drink. Caterpillar: a soft scratching post for a cat. Cat Scan: to look for a new cat. Dog: a cat’s device for running practice....

University Drive

It had been snowing for hours when an announcement came over the high school intercom: “Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars so that we may begin plowing.” Twenty minutes later there was another announcement:...