Cloud Computing

A type of computing, comparable to grid computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications. The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional supercomputing, or high-performance computing...


A technique that forces a user to remain on a specific Web site by not allowing the user to leave the site. Whenever the user tries to leave the site by closing the browser window or going to a new URL, the site that is mousetrapping will automatically open a new...

Walled garden

On the Internet, a walled garden refers to a browsing environment that controls the information and Web sites the user is able to access. This is a popular method used by ISPs in order to keep the user navigating only specific areas of the Web, whether for the purpose...


The phrase used to describe a Web page that disables the browser’s back button and prevents the user from leaving the page via the back button. The lock-in practice was originally used by pornography Web sites, however, more mainstream Web sites also use lock-in...


In computer programming, bohrbug is a classification of an unusual software bug that always produces a failure on retying the operation which caused the failure. The bohrbug was named after the Bohr atom because the bohrbug represents a solid and easily detectable bug...

Riser card

(1) An expansion card that is used to extend a slot for a chip or card in a fully loaded computer to make room to plug it in. It may also refer to a card that contains several slots used in low-profile, space-saving cabinets. The cards are plugged into the riser card...