
A collector of rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he had just thrown away an old bible that he found in a dusty, old box. He happened to mention that Guten-somebody-or-other had printed it. “Not Gutenberg?” gasped the collector. “Yes,...

School teacher

A school teacher injured his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. It fitted under his shirt and was not noticeable at all. On the first day of the term, still with the cast under his shirt, he found himself assigned to the toughest...

One Liners

• The easiest way to make your old car run better, is to check the prices of new car. ********* • Sometimes when I reflect back on all the ciggarettes I smoked, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the ciggarette & think about the workers in the ciggarette factory...

Membayar ke Adik Setiap Kali Dicium

Seorang anak kecil yang bandel melihat kakaknya dicium oleh teman lelakinya. Esok harinya, ia menemui lelaki itu. “Abang semalam mencium kakakku bukan?” “Ya, tapi jangan keras-keras. Ini seribu untuk tutup mulut!” “Terima kasih, ini uang...

Percakapan Tentang Orang Cadel

Pada suatu hari yang cerah albert dan elvin pergi ke sekolah sambil ngobrol. Elvin: “kenapa orang cadel ngak bisa ngomong r?” Albert: “emang uda dari sononye!“ Elvin: “salah,ayo kenapa?” Albert: “karena lidah orang cadel pendek kaya badan gua.” Elvin: “masih salah.“...

Monyet Dan Singa

Disebuah hutan ada seekor monyet jantan yang pintar. Hari si monyet sedang suntuk dan membutuhkan seekor monyet betina utk diajak bercinta. Tapi setelah lama dia mencari tdk seekor monyet betinapun yang dia temui. Karena letih ia beristirahat di bawah pohon rindang...