
A stingy old lawyer who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness was determined to prove wrong the old saying, “You can’t take it with you.” After much thought and consideration, the old ambulance chaser finally figured out how to take at least...

Hari apa ini Mas ?

Sepasang pengantin baru mengalami gangguan kesehatan. Setelah diperiksa dengan teliti, dokter menyimpulkan hal itu disebabkan frekuensi hubungan seks yang terlalu tinggi buat mereka. Dokter : “Sebaiknya untuk sementara kalian batasi dulu kegiatan seks kalian,...

Tidak mengenali pelaku

Seorang janda genit melaporkan peristiwa perkosaan yang dialaminya kepada seorang polisi. Ketika ditanya apakah dia mengenali pemerkosanya dia mengaku tak bisa mengenalinya. Polisi : “Apakah Ibu mengenali pelaku?” Janda : “Ngga Pak Polisi, lagian...

Wife and Whisky

A drunk walked into a bar crying. One of the other men in the bar asked him what Happened. “I did a terrible thing ,” sniffed the drunk, “Just a few hours ago I sold my Wife to someone for a bottle of Southern Comfort.” “That is...

Dont Complain

A husband visited a marriage counselor and said, “When we were first married, I would come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little dog would run around barking. Now after ten years it’s all different. I come home, the dog...

Mix Santa – Banta Jokes

Titanic was sinking. An Englishman asked Santa, “How far is land”? Santa: 2 KMs.. Englishman jumped into sea. Englishman: Now, which direction? Santa: Downwards ! **************************************** Two days of powercut in Delhi had made life...