Mau Percaya Blog?

Internet memang telah mengubah dan memudahkan segalanya. Tentu yang dimaksud dalam hal ini, penggalangan informasi. Namun, kebebasan internet yang tanpa batas itu, tak kurang memunculkan masalah. Masalah umum berkait dengan internet, semula tentang pornografi dan...

Why Should You Update Your Website Content?

Let’s say that reading your town’s Sunday paper is one of your favorite things to do. Let’s also assume that it’s one of the best newspapers in the country, and reading it is truly a rewarding and enlightening experience. But, no matter how...

The Top Five Firefox Add-Ons

I guess that no one will argue that the quality of Internet browsing largely depends on the kind of browser that you use. The most popular browsers being IE Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, and somewhat less popular – Safari and Opera. Each of these browsers has...


A keylogger is a type of surveillance software (considered to be either software or spyware) that has the capability to record every keystroke you make to a log file, usually encrypted. A keylogger recorder can record instant messages, e-mail, and any information you...

Yahoo Tolak Tawaran Microsoft

TEMPO Interaktif, San fransisco: Dewan Direksi Yahoo menolak tawaran Microsoft senilai 44,6 miliar dolar AS untuk mengakuisisi jaringan portal terbesar tersebut. “Setelah mengevaluasi dengan hati-hati, jajaran direksi yakin bahwa pada intinya proposal Microsoft...

Key Fob

key fob ——————————————————————————– A fob, or more commonly called a key fob, is a small security hardware...