Basically, “fuzz testing” (also known as fuzzing) is a technique that uses specialized software to put random data into programs to test their compatibility and functionality. If the program fails the test (it crashes, for example), the problems can then be taken down and fixed before the application is actually sold to the public. Fuzz testing also does a lot with checking for vulnerabilities in programs, which is a great feature. That way, we, as consumers, know we’re not buying a program that’s filled with potential problems or something that may bring harm to our computers.

Fuzz testing is a great method, because its design is very simple to use and it comes with no misconceptions. It’s been around since 1989 and it has been used on numerous occasions. I’m sure you all have purchased a “fuzz tested” program before as well! Several large software companies use fuzz testing, because it’s inexpensive and again, very easy to use.