Poppy Sovia and Dina Olivia stars the movie titled Mengejar Mas-Mas. The story is about a young girl named Shanaz (Poppy Sovia) who had a fight with her widowed mother because her mother is going to be remarried. She run away from home and try to find her boyfriend Mika in Yogyakarta, but when she arrived in Yogyakarta, Mika is still on vacation. With no money and nowhere to go, Shanaz meets Ningsih, a low class prostitute in Yogyakarta. Ningsih allowed Shanaz to stay with her at her place. Shanaz also meets Parno (Dwi Sasono), a local street singer, Ningsih’s ex boyfriend. Parno helps Shanaz a lot and slowly Shanaz falls in love with Parno who 20 years older than her. When Mika finds her and asked her to come back to Jakarta, Shanaz has to choose between Parno and Mika.
Release Date : May 24, 2007
Director : Rudy Soedjarwo
Writer : Monty Tiwa
Cast : Dinna Olivia, Dwi Sasono, Poppy Sovia, Elmayana Sabrenia, Ira Wibowo, Roy Marten
Studio : DePIC Production
Runtime : 94 mins
Website : http://www.mengejarmasmas.com/