Here we have some useful tips on Word 2007 for you.
Insert one Word 2007 file into another
You can combine multiple Word files into one. Open the file in which you want to insert another Word document and click where you want the file to be inserted. Click Insert on the Ribbon, go to the Text group and click the arrow next to the Object tool. Click Text from File. The Insert File dialog box will open; use this to select the file that you want to insert. Click OK.
Use the Document Map in Word 2007
When working with large documents, navigating from one section to another can be quite time-consuming. You can make this task easier by using the Document Map. To enable this, go to the View tab and the Show/Hide group. Select the checkbox against Document Map. The Map will open on the left side of your displayed text in Word 2007.
Create an Executive Summary in Word 2007
Word can help you create a summary for long documents, which you can place in the beginning or end of the same document, or in a separate file. For this, you first need to add AutoSummarize to the Quick Access toolbar. For this, click the Office button and then Word Options. Click Customize, and then in the Choose Commands from dropdown menu, click Choose Commands not in the Ribbon. Click AutoSummary, click Add, and then click OK. Now, open the document you want to summarize and click AutoSummary on the Quick Access toolbar. In the menu that opens, select a type of summary from the given four options and the length of the summary. Click OK.
Create tables quickly in Word 2007
To turn on the feature of creating tables with a few keystrokes, go to the Office button and click Word Options. In the dialog box, click Proofing and then AutoCorrect Options. Go to AutoFormat As You Type and select the checkbox against Tables. Click OK. Now, whenever you want to insert a table, type a few vertical bars on the document, separated by a single space (for narrow columns) or a few spaces (for wider columns). Click Enter to get a single-row table to start with. On some systems, this can also be done by using the plus sign and hyphens instead of the vertical bar and spaces.
Set the direction of text in the cells of a Word 2007 table
You can set the orientation of text—horizontal or vertical—in the cells of a Word 2007 table. Right-click the cell whose text direction you want to change. Click Text Direction in the menu that appears. In the dialog box that opens, select the option you want to display text in. Click OK.