Seven Degrees Of Blonde

FIRST DEGREE. A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning. The very blonde wife picked up the phone, listened a moment, and said ‘How should I know, that’s 200 miles from here!’ and hung up. The husband said, ‘Who was...

Men vs Women and Computers

A SPANISH Teacher Was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. “House” for instance, is feminine: “la casa.” “Pencil,” however, is masculine: “el...

Old is When

OLD” IS WHEN….. Your sweetie says, “Let’s go upstairs and make love,” And you answer, “Honey, I can’t do both!” “OLD” IS WHEN….. Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you’re barefoot. “OLD” IS WHEN….. A sexy babe catches your fancy and your...

Mas Bambang

Atas saran dokter, Bambang disuruh opname di rumah sakit Singapore karena penyakitnya agak parah. Sesampainya di RS, Bambang dibawa ke kamar dan dipasangin infus kiri kanan. Beberapa jam kemudian, ada satu lagi pasien orang bule yang keliatannya sakit parah dan ditaro...

Tiga Monyet

Adaseorang bapak ingin membeli seekor monyet. Maka pergilah ia ke pasar monyet. Disana ia ketemu dengan seorang penjual monyet yang sedang menjual tiga ekor monyet. Monyet-monyet itu terdiri dari monyet besar sedang dan kecil. Sang bapak kemudian menawar untuk monyet...